Disa prej nesh kujtojnë fëmijërinë e tyre me nostalgji, jo për faktin e kominizmit por për shkak të shqoërisë dhe lojërave që bënin në lagje.
Atëherë, interneti nuk ekzistonte dhe nuk kishte selfie, as lojëra elektronike.
Sot, fëmijët janë shumë më ndryshe se atëhere. Sot jemi shumë të lidhur me teknologjinë dhe lojërat me njëri tjetrin janë më të pakta.
Një nga shkaqet është edhe mungesa e hapësirave publike, që sot janë më të pakta se ato para vitit 1991.
ALBANIA. Tirana. School for handicapped children. 1992.
ALBANIA. Tirana. Children playing with a ball at the main street of the central market in January. The balls are on sale only in Christmas time. 1991.
ALBANIA. Tirana. Elementary school. 1991.
ALBANIA. Elbasan. 1991.
ALBANIA. Korce. 1990.
ALBANIA. Near Fieri. Emigrants from the North. 1991.
ALBANIA. Sopiki village. After 45 years of prohibition, Greek minority villagers celebrated again the religious feast of Virgin Mary on August 15. People dancing in the church yard which was used as a storage by the Communists. 1991.
ALBANIA. Tirana. 1991.
Velai village. NIKOLI grandparents and grandson. The numerous NIKOLI family which ” owns ” blood, lives in about 20 interconnecting houses, where all the males live enclosed, being possible victims in the family vendetta.
ALBANIA 1990.ÊTown of Girokaster.
ALBANIA. Sopiki village. After 45 years of prohibition, Greek minority villagers celebrate again the religious feast of Virgin Mary on August 15. People dancing in the church yard which was used as a storage by the Communists. 1991.
Tetovo. An elementary school classroom. This is one of the 280 Albanian schools in Macedonia.